Thinker in the Dark

People are often afraid of the dark: of what it symbolises, what it is – an absence of light, of not knowing or seeing. Darkness for you might mean sadness, despair, loneliness, depression. In our world we are taught that being positive, that light, brightness, noise and enlightenment are most important. That ‘thinking positive’ is the ideal. I’ve been struggling with these questions for many years. I’ve always thought that ‘thinking positive’ – chasing after euphoria, happiness, joy, was the ideal. That there is something ‘wrong’ with me if I incline to the sadness side of the scale. That feeling deep sadness or longing is wrong.

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Yet darkness, sadness and not knowing are all part of being human. When you’re someone who tends towards introspection – the darkness within – the metaphorical ‘in the dark’ is an essential part of moving towards new ideas. We are all in the dark. Sometimes we find light to guide our way, or there will be a ‘lightbulb’ moment.

For me, darkness means a few different things. I’ve always enjoyed stories, films and TV programs that tend towards exploring the darker side of life. Some of my favourite authors explore supernatural themes and the darkness within people. I know there are shades of grey and shadows within every person. Night is the time when I turn inwards, thinking about the world, indulging imagination and reflecting.

I used to be afraid of the dark because we all learn from a young age that there are things in the dark –  our over-active imaginations imagine things. Childhood isn’t really an idyllic time – there is just as much dark in childhood as there is in adulthood. Sometimes I’m afraid of the dark, of being alone in the dark – but at the same time, darkness has its mystery and joy, just as much joy as a bright summer afternoon.

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Exploring and expressing sadness, loneliness and longing is not a bad thing. There is nothing wrong with these feelings. Writing requires long periods of solitude, of sinking into and exploring the darker side of being human. The fear I’ve often felt about writing, about going deeper into ideas and imagination, are precisely because I have been afraid of the sadness or the loneliness that comes about from diving into that depth.

It takes a lot of energy to force ourselves to ‘think positive’ when our core selves don’t incline towards that kind of thinking. I don’t think I’m a particularly ‘negative’ thinker, but I’m a worrier, I can over-think things and definitely experience different kinds of low moods. But I’m slowly coming to accept that this is who I am – and that it doesn’t make life any less interesting, poignant or happy.

I aim for contentment, for gratitude and mindfulness, but not for a constant state of ‘positive thinking’ – which to me, personally, can be exhausting. Much like behaving like an extrovert is draining for those of us who are introverts. I feel that true happiness comes from accepting and understanding who you are – it’s a journey, and has taken me a long time to do so.


I may still occasionally find myself buying into the ‘think positive and everything will change!’ thing, but change comes from doing things, making choices and acting on them, not constantly being upbeat and hoping that this will attract good fortune. My kind of positivity comes from thoughtfulness, hope, love, planning, learning and being open minded. A balance.

‘Introverts don’t need to get everything out into the light. We focus better in the dark. Rather than putting all our cards on the table, we can wait until the time is right, until ideas are fully formed, and until people are ready to hear. […] There is a lot to be said for positive thinking, and an exclusive focus on the negative can be destructive. But denial of the negative is just as dangerous.’ – Laurie Helgoe, Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life is Your Hidden Strength.

9 thoughts on “Thinker in the Dark

  1. Reblogged this on mightyskies and commented:
    A thought to ponder upon..


  2. Very thoughtful post… I read another interesting article about this subject the other day. Here’s a link if you are interested:


    1. Thanks, glad you enjoyed it – the other article is really interesting – certainly makes you realise that it’s wise to have your eyes open in life.


  3. I find that many creative people look at the world the same way.. I am not a worrier per say but do find the darker parts of life just as interesting as the brighter bolder parts of life. At times the shadow world gives me a place to rest and recover from the constant rush of the day light world. Love the photos and have taken a few myself, nice post and I loved it.


    1. I agree, many creative people explore darker themes and ideas, and often do their thinking and recovery in the dark. I also read a great article in the UK magazine Mslexia this morning about women writing about darker themes in their novels – definitely reaffirmed what I’ve been thinking about! Glad you like the photos – I’ve been getting more into photography over the past two years.


  4. Very interesting thoughts. I am not a worrier and 99% of the time am quite positive, but I love sitting in the dark and contemplate. Sometimes it’s about a plot line in a story I’m writing or the very deep subject of the theories of life.Going through life in complete light doesn’t allow you to see everything for what it is. I have never reblogged before, but I would like to reblog this if it’s okay with you.


    1. Hi Kat, thank you – and yes you can reblog if you want. It’s lovely to meet like-minded people 🙂


  5. A well-written and thought provoking post.

    I’ve always been extrovert and overly optimistic, but chronic illness has more recently forced me to inhabit ‘the dark’. Hence I am interested in finding out what is to be discovered there. I like Setcho Juken’s poem:

    ‘Nighttime falls and the water is flooded with moonlight.
    Here in the Dragon’s jaws:
    Many exquisite jewels.’


  6. Reblogged this on Kat Anderson: The Life of a Story Teller and commented:
    I found this to be very interesting as I, too, enjoy the clarity I get from sitting in the dark. Sometimes things are much brighter in the dark.


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