Small Journal #3: Short and Sweet

I’m in Scotland at the moment which explains my lack of posting and the catching up I need to do (three days of no posts!).

I’ve been tired – lots of walking, early starts, and talking – so my brain is kind of mush by the evenings.

We booked at a basic hotel, not part of a chain, because it was so close to his Dad’s (a 10 minute walk), and I was initially quite worried because checking the reviews they were either positive or extremely not-positive.

They were at extremes too – one reviewer said the bed springs were poking out of the mattress and the shower had black mould, whilst another said that their mattress was very hard.

Two reviews said rooms 15 and 16 should be avoided because at night they could hear the patrons of the bar right outside their windows.

So I was filled with a bit of trepidation but at least we would have had the option of staying at my father-in-law’s even if one of us would have had to sleep on the sofa!

Luckily, though basic, our room turned out to be absolutely fine. While not a Holiday Inn or Premier Inn, it is at least clean and safe. The mattress is hard, but on day 4, it isn’t too bad.

It’s towards the back of the hotel so not on the bar side – so no noise keeping Dan awake! (being deaf has that perk I guess, though I am a light sleeper).

I think travel of any kind can be hard for autistic people and I’m no exception. I miss normal food for breakfast (really miss peanut butter!), our bed, the cat, all those things that sometimes get taken for granted.

There’s a level of discomfort that I find a bit stressful – that lack of ‘normality’ and familiarity that are so essentially grounding. I think this is why I’ve tended to overpack or bring things ‘just in case’.

This trip, for example, I brought a sketchbook, some paints and brushes, and a knitting project. I also brought too much makeup which I’ve probably used 30% of, and around 25 assorted teabags, if not more.

At least I’ve done a bit of knitting, the teabags are getting used, but I definitely haven’t had time to do any drawing or painting!

Tomorrow is my father-in-law’s birthday, so we’re up bright and early to visit the grave of Dan’s Mum, and then have a birthday lunch with some of his family.

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