Strength and Resilience

2014-06-12 19.53.29

Over the weekend, I’ve been reminded of what strength and resilience mean. My grandmother, at the grand old age of 89, is a true inspiration to me. She has been through a lot and is – in her own words – a tough old boot. She had a fall in the small hours of Friday morning and had to be rushed to hospital.

After a hip replacement, she is now on the road to recovery and astounds us all with her perky, chatty self. There will be a lot of shuttling back and forth for us all over the next few months to help her recover and support her, but she reminds me that even in the face of physical and emotional trauma, we can’t let things bring us down or change us for the worse.

I’ve been changed a lot by emotional tsunamis, but perhaps the healing involved has made me more empathetic and kinder towards the pain of other people. Even in the face of her own physical pain, my Gran remains more concerned about the other people on her ward.

Strength, I feel, is the guts to say when we are not okay, and when we need help. It is being able to understand that being vulnerable is a very human and essential trait, because it means we can empathise with others. Resilience is recognising that whilst we are vulnerable, we also have the courage to weather storms and not be shattered by them, that it is possible to rebuild and reshape our shelters.

In my heart, I know that whilst I have made it through things, I also have to take the next step and thrive, to live and do things that make my life and the lives of my friends and family richer. I have weathered the storm; now I need to steel myself and rebuild, to mend the cracks and sweep away the dust.

For now, I’m in a state of planning, of dreaming and thinking. Next will be gathering the materials, clearing my space and starting anew. Then the work can resume, and I will continue to weather the storms with some of the grace and resilience of my 89 years-young grandmother, who is a remarkable woman.

All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost. – J.R.R. Tolkien.

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10 thoughts on “Strength and Resilience

  1. inspiring words, and at a much needed time!thank you so much for sharing this 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on Sorry for the scribbles and commented:
    In the process of writing out my heart on a wonderful weekend getaway and editing photographs of the same. Meanwhile, found this very timely inspirational read. Have a blessed day!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The Invisible Sage July 1, 2014 — 8:56 pm

    Beautifully expressed sentiments :). And thank you for including one of my favorite Tolkien quotes too!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Your Grandmother sounds like a marvelous woman. I’m sure, from what I’ve read on your blog, that you’ve inherited some of her resilience and perspective.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Your grandma sounds like mine: spunky, tough and inspiring. I am sorry for her fall, and wish her a speedy recovery. I wish you smooth sailing as you help her recover and endeavor to put in place your plans to live in strength and resilience.


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  6. There is truly a wisdom that comes with life experience. My own Grandmother will be 95 soon and has been through much sadness and physical setbacks. However, if you speak to her she is one of the most positive, cheerful people I know. I always feel uplifted after our conversations. Sounds like our grandmothers have a lot in common!

    I hope your Grandma continues to recover well. Also, love the Tolkien quote.


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  7. I read your message and found it was inspiring and made me realise we can be strong if we put our mind to it and face things with courage not fear.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. It is love of our near and dear ones that nurtures strength and related values. Your granny and her strength/ resilience is the reflection of love, respect and regards she has been getting from a wonderful family. This is what keeps us motivated and young at any age. She is truly an example of blessing. Loved reading about her 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thank you all for your lovely comments. It seems as though many of us have wonderful Grandmothers – here’s to all of them. My Gran is doing well, she just needs to build up her confidence again. We have no doubt she can do it 🙂


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