
♥ I’ve sprained my back – therefore pretty much resting up for a few days. I’ve found out that it takes up to a month for a back to heal properly…

♥ I’ve also caught a cold from somebody. Cue lots of sneezing and ‘ow, my back!’ as well as lots of coughing and more ‘argh, my back!’

♥ Inspiration has left me for the moment. I’m trying to chase it by posting random things on Tumblr. Therefore becoming addicted to Tumblr. Which wastes more time and leaves me pissed off at myself and even more stressed. By the way, my Tumblr is here.

♥ Feeling completely stressed about all the things I have to do in the next few weeks. Sometimes things seem insurmountable, even when you’ve been through worse before.

♥ Neglecting of Top Ten Tuesday will be remedied tomorrow, I hope.

♥ I finished reading The Shadow of the Wind and loved it. I wholeheartedly recommend it.

♥ I’ve completely slipped up with chocolate because I’m ill. I keep promising myself I’ll sort out my chocolate addiction…my excuse is that being ill means normal rules don’t apply. Right?

♥ I’ve got my second BSL Stage 2 exam on 28th April. So I’m stressed about that too.

♥ I wish I could go away for a few days somewhere beautiful, where it doesn’t feel like life is hurtling towards some goal at breakneck speed. Life is so fast nowadays – everyone wants things done now, fast, quickly, get it done. Is quality being sacrificed for speed?

♥ I watched Toy Story 3 the other day from Lovefilm. It was lovely and made me and Dan laugh (and get a bit weepy near the end). I’ve also got The Last Airbender and I know, I know, it will probably be rubbish but I kind of want to see it. I think I’m taken in by the ‘ooh its pretty, sci fi fantasy’ trailers.

♥ I’m annoyed about the fact that the view online films on Lovefilm don’t have a subtitle option unless they’re in a non-english language. It means that if we have two films at home and we’ve watched them and haven’t posted them back yet, we can’t watch anything online unless its world cinema. Which wouldn’t be an issue (I love French, Korean, Japanese and Swedish films amongst others), but sometimes it would be cool to watch more recent US/UK releases, you know? I’m thinking of getting a petition going or something.

♥ Also, you can never tell on Lovefilm if a DVD is subtitled or not. Its the same on amazon sometimes or hmv. What’s up with this? Surely they would check the box and input that information?

♥ Sometimes I feel like bashing my head against the wall when it comes to writing this novel. I wonder what I’m doing and why I’m not feeling that inspired at the moment. I need to just sit down and write without thinking or worrying about what people think about the end product – its a story I need to tell and that wants to be told. The editing comes later.

♥ I’ve signed up to read 90 books this year on Goodreads but I don’t think I’ll make it. 70 or 60 maybe, but not 90…my average per month at the moment seems to be 3 and I need at least 6 if I want to break any of those records!

♥ I’ve not been on Facebook for nearly two weeks and counting now. I feel better for it, but at the same time I know I’m missing out on a lot. Its better for my mental health to not be stretched so thin or to ‘spy’ on people by profile hopping. Everyone does it, I think it’s weird. And kind of invasive.

♥ I want to go to art galleries and just stare at pictures or photographs. I want to go out around London and take lots of photos to inspire me. At the moment I’m housebound (it hurts to walk, I can manage a kind of shuffle though..), but I’ll be out of the house like a shot when I can manage it.

♥ I’m proud of myself because this month I’ve mostly curbed my spending and have more money left in my bank account than I’ve had for months. The temptation is there to spend but I’m trying to only spend on things that I’ve wanted for months rather than days, on impulse. The problem with clothes is that I want to have things that will be an essential part of my wardrobe, and that doesn’t include another polka dot dress, no matter how much I want it. Unless its the coveted dress from Vivien’s of Holloway (that I’m saving up for).

Lists are anti-democratic, discriminatory, elitist, and sometimes the print is too small. – David Ives

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1 thought on “Bulleted

  1. Oh no! Sorry to hear you’re not well. When you’re better we should go and look at art – I have a loooong list of exhibitions I want to see and it’d be lovely to have some company (we can grab a cup of tea afterwards too..) May? June?

    The Lovefilm subtitles thing annoys me too. I’ve finally managed to pull myself out of the vortex that is their subscriptions whirlpool, but before I did, they had many emails about their crappy subtitle information. Even managed to get a free film out of them once.


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